28 September 2009

"Koenigsschlossen Neuschwanstein + Hohenschwangau + Fussen = (Hiking x 10) + (Fantastic Views x 20) " ~ September 25th

The title pretty accurately sums up today's adventure, if you actually manage to decifer the ridiculously long math equation I fabricated for it. Suffice to say, it involved *alot* of walking, but the reward was a breath-taking glimpse into the region's natural beauty and a view into two dream-castles.

We took the bus from Fussen up to the little tourist town at the foot of Schloss Hohenschwangau, our first castle for the day. The tours were overpriced, but unfortunately it was the only way you could see the inside of the castles, which we were *not* going to miss. The interiors of both Schloss Hohenschwangau and Schloss Neuschwanstein are beautiful works of Romantic medieval-inspired art. From Hohenschwangau, we hiked to Neuschwanstein first for another tour there and then over to the Marienbrueke, which gives you a view of the both castles from high atop a wood&iron foot bridge. We decided not to try to find the lake that was supposed to be nearby, and instead saved the 3,90 euros for a bus trip and took the 5 km trail up and down the mountains back to Fussen......discovering in the process a lake with swans, a clear mountain stream, and a picture-perfect landscape of moss, rocks, and early fall foliage. Breathtaking is an understatement. I was in almost constant awe of my surroundings and eventually gave up putting away my camera, with all the photos I kept making. There were also quite a few flower and leaf souveniers from the hike tucked away along the way.....


Pictures for this post: http://picasaweb.google.com/Smilegirlerin/Neuschwanstein#

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